Laser therapy treatments & physiotherapy | Differences & Precautions

Laser therapy treatments & physiotherapy | Differences & Precautions

Physiotherapy and laser therapy treatments in Vaughan are two types of modality that are very popular among healthcare professionals and patients. Although both are considered effective in curing various diseases, there are some cases in which they are not recommended.

This article will address some situations where laser therapy treatments and physical therapy are inappropriate in Vaughan. Our mission is not to disappoint you or spread rumors but to give you practical information to stay safe!

Laser therapy treatments in Vaughan

Laser therapy treatments in Vaughan use electromagnetic radiation in the form of light to promote cell regeneration and relieve pain. There are two main types of laser: low-intensity laser therapy (LLLT) and high-intensity laser therapy (HILT).

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

During the procedure, the low-power laser is applied directly to the affected area, and the light emitted by the laser penetrates deeply into the tissues and helps with cell regeneration, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and accelerating healing.

High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT)

It is a more invasive procedure, which involves using a high-powered laser to treat more serious medical conditions. The high-power laser is used to remove or reduce abnormal tissue, such as tumours, warts, scars and other lesions.

In summary, laser therapy treatments in Vaughan can help treat various medical conditions, from sports injuries and inflammation to severe injuries, as well as prevention.

What is dosimetry?

Dosimetry is an essential tool for measuring radiation dose and absorbed energy in different therapeutic applications. With an understanding of the principles and appropriate use of the parameters, it is possible to obtain effective therapeutic results in laser therapy treatments in Vaughan.

Emission Time and Power

The application time of a certain amount of energy in a given area is proportional to the emission. This relationship between time and power is crucial for adequately controlling radiation exposure during laser therapy treatments in Vaughan.

Devices and Programming

Many devices used in dosimetry already come from the factory with pre-configured programs, simplifying the manipulation and adjustment of parameters. It gives physiotherapists the flexibility to perform zone or sweep applications.

Parameters and Their Effects

There are different parameters to be considered in laser therapy treatments in Vaughan. Below are four examples of parameters:

Analgesic Effect: Radiation therapy in this range (2 and 4 J/cm²) can provide pain relief and decreased discomfort.

Anti-inflammatory Effect: Radiation therapy in this range (1 and 3 J/cm²) can help reduce inflammation and promote injury recovery.

Healing Effect: Radiation therapy in this range (3 and 6 J/cm²) can speed up wound healing and improve tissue regeneration.

Circulatory Effect: Radiation therapy in this range (1 and 3 J/cm²) can help improve local blood flow, promoting tissue oxygenation and the removal of metabolic waste.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a therapeutic practice that seeks to work on recovery, prevention, and improvement of the functionality of the human body. There are different types of physio techniques and modalities, and the procedure depends directly on the type of injury or dysfunction. Some systems are standard to most physiotherapy sessions:

  • Assessment
  • Diagnosis
  • Case study
  • Exercises
  • Mobilization
  • Massage.

Types of Physical Therapy

  • General Physiotherapy;
  • Orthopedic physiotherapy;
  • Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy;
  • Neurological physiotherapy;
  • Sports physiotherapy;
  • Geriatric physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is a necessary procedure that can significantly help treat various conditions. In summary, both modalities have benefits and limitations, and choosing the best option between laser therapy treatments in Vaughan and physiotherapy will depend on the patient’s specific conditions, the severity of the injury, and medical recommendations.

When can Laser Therapy not be performed?

Laser therapy treatments in Vaughan and physical therapy are not recommended for children under 16 (it’s vital to consult with a pediatric physiotherapist) because children have a still-developed immune system and may be more sensitive to exposure to laser light and physical activities. People with severe heart conditions such as heart failure, high blood pressure, or structural heart disease should avoid laser therapy and physical therapy.

People with reduced immunity, such as those with HIV, AIDS, or other autoimmune conditions, should not undergo laser therapy or physical therapy. Patients with skin problems such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis should avoid laser therapy until the condition improves. It is vital to remember that each case is unique, and the most appropriate treatment may vary according to the condition and severity of symptoms. To learn more, visit Med Wellness, one of the best physio clinics near you. Our Laser therapy treatment in Vaughan is highly effective and affordable. Besides, we offer in-home physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, and vestibular rehabilitation services!